The suspension threads, positioned in strategic points of the face, have the task of pulling the tissues by redesigning the contours of the face.
Suspension Threads: The Non-Surgical Facelift!
This is why we also talk about non-surgical lifting: a real milestone in the field of aesthetic medicine that allows you to obtain an impeccable result quickly and painlessly and above all, with an immediate effect and without trauma!
In fact, no scalpel means no after-effects and no risks. The suspension threads, also called suspension wires, represent a great novelty in the field of aesthetic medicine thanks to the technological innovations concerning the materials used and the implantation technique.
As for the material of the wires that Oculoplastica Bernardini recommends, they are the wires in PDO (Polydioxanone), a super safe resorbable material, used for years in pediatric cardio-surgery.
The implant involves the passage of cannulas containing the thread, through the previously anesthetized and therefore painless tissues, of two or more pairs of threads depending on the area to be treated. Thanks to the bidirectional plugs, the inserted threads grip the dermis and pull it according to the desired vector.
Areas to be treated
The main indication is the malar or mid-face lifting, where on average, three threads are used per side to obtain a natural lifting of the cheekbone, a correction of the nasolabial fold, and the restoration of a younger shape of the mid-facial area.
Line of the jaw – neck: here too, with 2-3 threads per side, the definition of the contour from the mandible and the repositioning of the medium-light laxity of the neck are excellent targets for the suspension threads.
Last but not least, we have the treatment of the tail of the eyebrow in the so-called cat’s eye technique, in which the implantation of the wires allows you to stretch the corner of the eyebrow and the corner of the eye, obtaining an immediate wow effect.
Results of the treatment
The results are immediately visible and natural, as they do not cause any filling effect but only ‘stretching,’ ‘repositioning,’ or ‘lifting.’
The results are very technical-dependent, and only a thorough knowledge of anatomy and a correct natural aesthetic canon allows you to find the suitable vectors and perform the most appropriate and personalized technique. The duration of the treatment varies from 8 to 12 months and is repeatable.