Telemedicine Oculoplastic Bernardini

We are finally launching an international service of telemedicine to prepare to our return to a normal life taking advantage of technology to reconsider a novel way to look at medical examination. The pandemic emergency forced us to move to on-line medical examination, but its success has readily convinced us to invest in this modality to open to the world.

There are so few of us to have dedicated all of our formation and our practice to Oculoplastic sub-specialty that it is imperative for us to make ourselves readily reachable and available.

Telemedicine: Virtual Platform For A Professional Online Service

Oculoplastic Bernardini is opening a telemedicine service for on-line consultation to offer its services not only to Italian patients but internationally. Dr Bernardini is a US-fellowship trained oculoplastic surgeon, international member of the American Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS) and is fluent in English, Spanish and French.

Oculofacial Plastic Surgery is specifically suitable for telemedicine and online consultation as the modern technology offers an excellent view of the area of interest, the eyes and the face, allowing the physicians to reach a diagnosis and recommend a plan of action in most circumstances. This ion turn makes the first contact simplified and reduces the distances across the different areas of the world.

How Does It Work

My team and I will be connected online through Skype for a duration of 20’, as if we were in my office. In this way I’ll have all the necessary time to evaluate each condition and I’ll be able to guide my patients to the best course of action, be it a surgical intervention or a medical treatment.

My team and I will cover all the aspects of telemedicine, including having a formal medical record and all the required forms; you will only need to make sure to have a good connection and a good ambient light to allow me the best possible view.

Do Your Homework

As I always tell all my patients, the more you know the better it is for you to make the right choice of professional and technique. So please don’t forget to check out our website and our Facebook and Instagram pages, and YouTube channel. The one-to-one meet-up with the specialist is crucial, but these modern forms of information can help you to arrive prepared in the presence of your chosen specialist and pose there right questions, besides to stay in contact with our latest news.

FaceBook: Oculoplastica Bernardini
Instagram: bernardinioculoplastic
YouTube: OculoplasticaTV

How To Make A Reservation

Send us a Whatsapp, or call the number +393202839154 and your on-line consultation will be scheduled in due time, usually in the current week. You can also send an email to

The cost of the international consultation is available here: price list. You can pay with PayPal or a bank transfer.

Consider consulting with us and you’ll make us happy!


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